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The Deforesters Arms
With just 100,000 Bornean orangutans left, the species is critically endangered and deforestation has played a major role. 24 million hectares of rainforest (an area the size of the UK) was destroyed in Indonesia between 1990 and 2015, primarily to make way for palm oil plantations.
Client /
Meridian Foods
Meridian, the UK’s favourite palm oil free nut butter brand, wanted to raise awareness of the destruction being caused by palm oil production. But deforestation and palm oil production isn't visible enough to the average person on the street. The Deforesters Arms brought the plight of orangutans into the public's consciousness. It was all about the pub's landlord - an animatronic orangutan - who was having to make a new home for himself in London. A pretty whacky concept... but it generated 55 pieces of press coverage, including The Times, The Telegraph, and 591k shares on social.

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